The less I knew,
the more I thought I knew.
As a pastor
at age 30,
I had a head full of answers,
a library full of answers,
so many unnecessary answers.
Insider tip:
Never trust a pastor
with answers;
the truly wise
have very few.
The wise ones
no longer need answers
to bolster their egos,
calm their fears,
be okay with themselves.
They simply rest in God.
So now,
looking back,
I realize how little I knew,
how little I needed to know,
and how much time I lost
trying to anchor myself in answers.
I obscured God with certainty.
I obscured God with certainty.
Don't obscure God with certainty.
What I now know--
and do not know--
no longer matters...
Text and image © 2014 by Dirk deVries. All rights reserved.