When I walked into the kitchen this morning,
eager for my warming cup of cinnamon decaf,
I found a note on the counter
...from Sophia.
It started:
Sorry we missed you.
Figured you were sleeping in
because of the gray skies and snow.
Then she got to the point:
Was talking with the guys this morning,
and we thought you could use this reminder:
The purpose/point/intent
of the life of faith
is not sometime in the future,
but now.
To know and love God
To serve and love others
To inhale and exhale joy,
To absorb and exude compassion,
To cultivate union with
and love for God
The focal point
of the life of faith--
of your life of faith--
is this moment.
I've been reading and re-reading this since.
Text and image © 2017 by Dirk deVries. All rights reserved.
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