Whatever is in God
can't be lost, will never be forgotten.
God is all
and in all.
Whatever is in God,
no matter how small,
no matter how (seemingly) insignificant,
can't be lost, will never be forgotten.
The snail in the garden,
the mug in the sink,
the ring on your finger,
the dog snoring at your feet...
Whatever is in God
can't be lost, won't be forgotten.
The Lego hiding under the couch,
the squirrel attacking the bird feeder,
the homeless woman at the corner,
your grandfather, your mother...
Whatever is in God
can't be lost, won't be forgotten.
The cake in the oven,
your fears, your hurts, your hopes, your joys,
the keyboard on which I type,
you, me...
Whatever is in God
can't be lost, won't be forgotten,
will never be left behind.
God is all
and in all.
Text and image © 2020 by Dirk deVries. All rights reserved.
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