I propose we create a new organization:
Christians against White Supremacy
or CAWS for short.
Our logo/mascot
will be the common crow,
who, as you know,
As Christians,
we share this common CAWS.
Every time you hear a crow caw
you will know it is speaking out against
white supremacy.
Caw, caw!
I condemn white supremacy!
For, as Christians,
we are indeed called to condemn
all systems and movements
that exist to suppress, oppress
any identified group,
any system that seeks
to maintain control over others
for their own benefit.
I hope that all Christians
can immediately and wholeheartedly say:
I condemn white supremacy.
In fact, I'm wondering
if that could be a helpful way
to identify fellow believers:
Can you say, with me,
I condemn white supremacy.
Will you say it with me now, aloud:
I condemn white supremacy.
And then, say it aloud some time today
with your family,
with a friend,
when you gather with other believers:
I condemn white supremacy.
Why is it
that so many who claim the title Christian
are not preaching, teaching, shouting this?
I wonder...
Caw! Caw!
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