Who is this eternal presence,
infusing everyone and everything I see?
Who is this reckless lover,
spinning grace across the cosmos?
Who is this vast consciousness,
dripping forgiveness and acceptance like summer rain?
Who is this glittering light,
shining in and from you, me?
Who replaces envy, bitterness, despair, anger
with satisfaction, gratitude, hope, peace?
Who receives our hurt, grief, loneliness,
wrapping their heart around it
and transforming it into amethyst, gold, laughter?
Who is this embracing warmth
inviting us to walk and rest
beside crystal streams and heaven-reaching pines?
Who is this?
Say it!
Who is this?
Text and image © 2022 by Dirk deVries. All rights reserved.
Visit PhotosByDirk.com for fine-art photography.
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