If you cut yourself loose
from the rules and restrictions
that cling to you
like sodden strands of seaweed,
what do you think will happen?
If you stop pretending you're strong, self-sufficient,
able to fend for yourself,
and instead acknowledge your weakness,
your God-intended need for others,
what do you think will happen?
If you quit living your life to meet the expectations of others,
stop living to please friends, family, culture, the church,
what do you think will happen?
If you strip yourself naked in the town square,
or launch yourself into the abyss, arms outstretched,
or exhale and sink into the sea of...of...of what?
Of love? Of loss? Of authenticity? Of God?
what do you think will happen?
If you stop using the Bible, the church, theology, anything
as a substitute for walking straight into the arms of God,
fully embraced by love,
completely immersed, upheld, sustained by the Divine,
what do you think will happen?
I think I know what will happen:
You will, finally,
know and love yourself.
You will, finally,
be one with God.
what do you think will happen?
Text and image © 2022 by Dirk deVries. All rights reserved.
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