lying awake in the dark
hoping to sleep
the sprinklers start
their nightly rotation
spitting, hissing
spraying the darkness
Night whispers
stop trying to grasp
what cannot be grasped
stop trying to define
what cannot be defined
stop trying to contain
what cannot be contained
but how? I ask
and wait
Abby perches on the foot board
her white fur dim and ghostly
stares out the window
still, silent, wise
I want to know what she knows
Night continues
you lie upon the beach
still and warm in the autumn sun
the tide creeps in, slowly but steadily lifts you,
slips you toward the sea
you relax,
you sink just below the surface
now you are the Sea
now the Sea is you
you sit at the edge of the forest
smell the pines, the damp earth
you exhale
with each exhalation
you feel lighter, lighter, lighter...
until, weightless
you merge with the air
you rise and float
moving, like a balloon,
with the wishing of the wind
you are the Air
and the Air is you
silence cloaks the room
Night concludes
breathe in
breathe out
you are the Night
and the Night is you
I slide into sleep
dissolve into God...
Text and image © 2023 by Dirk deVries. All rights reserved.
Visit, where spirit and image merge.