Number 1: Eat More Fruits and Vegetables
They say I should have 5 servings a day.
That's a lot to eat.
I really don't eat that much.
If I have 5 servings,
I won't have room for things like chocolate and French fries.
I'm going to skip this one.
Number 2: Eat More Froot Loops.
This one I can do;
I resolve to eat one box in 2024.
Tim won't let me buy these,
so please send.
Number 3: Watch More Lords a'Leaping.
On the 10th Day of Christmas
my true love gave to me,
10 lords a'leaping...
2023 definitely did not include enough leaping lords.
I'll see what can be done about this.
I do wonder, though, why these 10 lords are all leaping.
Are they running hurdles?
Is it choreographed, like in the ballet,
or spontaneous? Are they randomly bounding for joy?
How fun!
Or are they, like some long-legged cranes competing for mates,
trying to impress the 9 ladies dancing, from yesterday?
And in that case, what happens to that last, leftover lord?
Whose job is it to offer him solace?
Perhaps they're all leaping to escape 10 mice e'merging--
or spiders or roaches...
just more leapin' lords in 24!
Number 4: ???
Can't think of anything else.
Happy New Year!
Text and image © 2023 by Dirk deVries. All rights reserved.
Visit, where spirit and image merge.