Happy Epiphany,
the day that celebrates the arrival of the kings,
but more importantly,
the day that proclaims
that the Light has arrived,
Light for all,
no matter our creed, race, or nationality.
Light for all people!
Gloria in excelsis deo!
Last night was 12th night,
the final night of Christmas (officially/liturgically).
Some celebrate 12th night
by baking a "King's Cake,"
eaten today, on Epiphany.
Some wait until 12th Night
to place the three kings in their Nativity scenes.
I put away our Nativity today,
tenderly rewrapping each figure
in that old tissue paper,
gently placing them back in the box.
The cats helped,
Dickens attacking the paper each time I reached for it,
and Miko and Abby climbing into the box.
Eventually all was completed,
everyone (and every critter)
tucked away until December, 2025
(or perhaps November, as the Spirit moves).
May the new year bring Light to us all,
compassion and humility to our divided nation
comfort to our hurting world,
healing to our broken hearts,
companionship, acceptance, joy, and respect.
Happy Epiphany, all!
Text and image © 2024 by Dirk deVries. All rights reserved.