No, you come to early,
Lord Jesus:
Just announced, yet here it is,
two weeks from your arrival.
We've got too much to do...
Chex Mix to make,
cookies to bake.
Thank God (I mean, thank your Father)
the tree's up...
oh, but not the garland
and gifts to wrap, and cheer to spread--
nursing-home visits,
the pageant at church,
a shepherd's staff to craft,
an angel's halo to weave of tinsel.
Wash the guest-bed sheets!
plump pillows,
plan menus,
purchase the ham...
(Wait, ham? You're Jewish still?)
Perhaps this year,
you could come with the kings,
at Epiphany?
All arrive together
in your black Crown Victoria?
Above all my heart--
not quite ready...
Who am I kidding?
It will take a week, at least,
to clear it's arrogant clutter.
Text and image © 2014 by Dirk deVries. All rights reserved.

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